Yet Another Task Runner

Another day, another person writes a makefile replacement as he's been using basically just .PHONY and it was overkill. I've used Mage with go and enjoyed it a lot, so I built one for python. Install it, taskr_cli


It's a CLI to run tasks in a specific file ( in the project root). Tasks are any and every function in this file, unless prefixed with _. There are also a few handy functions to make system calls (Even in venvs seamlessly!)

Here's a very small example of a file

import taskr

# Tasker will not list this
def _get_system():
  return os.environ.get("build_system")

def build():
  env = _get_system()
  taskr.run_env("python install", env={"BUILD_SYSTEM": env})

And how to run it

[master●] » taskr build

Pretty simple. It even generates a dummy file for you (cool!)

[master●] » taskr --init

And lists tasks out (wow!) with the task name being the name of the function

[master●] » taskr -l

 all      : Runs all static analysis tools
 build    : Builds the wheel
 clean    : Remove build artifacts, cache, etc.
 flake    : Check flake8
 format   : Run black
 mypy     : Checks types
 reinstall: Reinstalls taskr
 sort     : Sort imports
 *test    : Run tests

* = default


It's a stripped down version of mage, it was fun to make, and I think it would be easy to use for people on my team rather than make or a bash script, and it's easy to spin up a new file for a new project with nice built-ins (Task listing, generating)